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 Daniel Molina Pérez,Lemuel C. Ramos-Arzola,Amadelis Quesada Torres.Pressure-Dependent Models in Ship Piping Systems[J].Journal of Marine Science and Application,2020,(2):266-274.[doi:10.1007/s11804-020-00146-2]
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Pressure-Dependent Models in Ship Piping Systems


Pressure-Dependent Models in Ship Piping Systems
Daniel Molina Pérez1 Lemuel C. Ramos-Arzola2 Amadelis Quesada Torres2
Daniel Molina Pérez1 Lemuel C. Ramos-Arzola2 Amadelis Quesada Torres2
1 Departamento de Manufactura, ESIME Unidad Azcapotzalco, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, DF 02250 México City, Mexico;
2 Departamento de Termofluidos, ESIME Unidad Azcapotzalco, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, DF 02250 México City, Mexico
Pressure-dependent modelsShip piping systemsBilge systemsFirefighting systemsPiping network models
This paper aims to evaluate the feasibility of pressure-dependent models in the design of ship piping systems. For this purpose, a complex ship piping system is designed to operate in firefighting and bilge services through jet pumps. The system is solved as pressure-dependent model by the piping system analysis software EPANET and by a mathematical approach involving a piping network model. This results in a functional system that guarantees the recommendable ranges of hydraulic state variables (flow and pressure) and compliance with the rules of ship classification societies. Through this research, the suitability and viability of pressure-dependent models in the simulation of a ship piping system are proven.


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Received date:2019-05-08。
Corresponding author:Daniel Molina Pérez,danielmolinaperez90@gmail.com
Last Update: 2020-11-07