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 Yongjian Zhai,Jianhui Cui,Fanbin Meng,et al.Ship Path Planning Based on Sparse A* Algorithm[J].Journal of Marine Science and Application,2025,(1):238-248.[doi:10.1007/s11804-024-00430-5]
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Ship Path Planning Based on Sparse A* Algorithm


Ship Path Planning Based on Sparse A* Algorithm
Yongjian Zhai1 Jianhui Cui1 Fanbin Meng2 Huawei Xie2 Chunyan Hou2 Bin Li2
Yongjian Zhai1 Jianhui Cui1 Fanbin Meng2 Huawei Xie2 Chunyan Hou2 Bin Li2
1. Maritime College, Tianjin University of Technology, Tianjin 300384, China;
2. Tianjin Navigation Instrument Research Institute, Tianjin 300131, China
Sparse A* algorithmPath planningRasterizationCoordinate transformationImage preprocessing
An improved version of the sparse A* algorithm is proposed to address the common issue of excessive expansion of nodes and failure to consider current ship status and parameters in traditional path planning algorithms. This algorithm considers factors such as initial position and orientation of the ship, safety range, and ship draft to determine the optimal obstacle-avoiding route from the current to the destination point for ship planning. A coordinate transformation algorithm is also applied to convert commonly used latitude and longitude coordinates of ship travel paths to easily utilized and analyzed Cartesian coordinates. The algorithm incorporates a hierarchical chart processing algorithm to handle multilayered chart data. Furthermore, the algorithm considers the impact of ship length on grid size and density when implementing chart gridification, adjusting the grid size and density accordingly based on ship length. Simulation results show that compared to traditional path planning algorithms, the sparse A* algorithm reduces the average number of path points by 25%, decreases the average maximum storage node number by 17%, and raises the average path turning angle by approximately 10°, effectively improving the safety of ship planning paths.


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Received date:2023-5-4;Accepted date:2023-11-7。
Foundation item:Supported by the Tianjin University of Technology Graduate R esearch Innovation Project (YJ2281).
Corresponding author:Jianhui Cui,E-mail:jianhuicui@email.tjut.edu.cn
Last Update: 2025-02-26