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 Changyi Li,Lei Yao,Chao Mi.Fusion Algorithm Based on Improved A* and DWA for USV Path Planning[J].Journal of Marine Science and Application,2025,(1):224-237.[doi:10.1007/s11804-024-00434-1]
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Fusion Algorithm Based on Improved A* and DWA for USV Path Planning


Fusion Algorithm Based on Improved A* and DWA for USV Path Planning
Changyi Li1 Lei Yao2 Chao Mi12
Changyi Li1 Lei Yao2 Chao Mi12
1. Container Supply Chain Technology Engineering Research Center, Ministry of Education, Shanghai Maritime University, Shanghai 201306, China;
2. Shanghai SMUVision Smart Technology Ltd, Shanghai 201306, China
Improved A* algorithmOptimized DWA algorithmUnmanned surface vehiclesPath planningFusion algorithm
The traditional A* algorithm exhibits a low efficiency in the path planning of unmanned surface vehicles (USVs). In addition, the path planned presents numerous redundant inflection waypoints, and the security is low, which is not conducive to the control of USV and also affects navigation safety. In this paper, these problems were addressed through the following improvements. First, the path search angle and security were comprehensively considered, and a security expansion strategy of nodes based on the 5×5 neighborhood was proposed. The A* algorithm search neighborhood was expanded from 3×3 to 5×5, and safe nodes were screened out for extension via the node security expansion strategy. This algorithm can also optimize path search angles while improving path security. Second, the distance from the current node to the target node was introduced into the heuristic function. The efficiency of the A* algorithm was improved, and the path was smoothed using the Floyd algorithm. For the dynamic adjustment of the weight to improve the efficiency of DWA, the distance from the USV to the target point was introduced into the evaluation function of the dynamic-window approach (DWA) algorithm. Finally, combined with the local target point selection strategy, the optimized DWA algorithm was performed for local path planning. The experimental results show the smooth and safe path planned by the fusion algorithm, which can successfully avoid dynamic obstacles and is effective and feasible in path planning for USVs.


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Received date:2023-1-1;Accepted date:2023-11-25。
Foundation item:Supported by the EDD of China (No. 80912020104) and the Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality (No. 22ZR1427700 and No. 23692106900).
Corresponding author:Chao Mi,E-mail:chaomi@shmtu.edu.cn
Last Update: 2025-02-26