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 Zhuang Kang,Luu Quang Hung,Shaojie Li,et al.Numerical and Experimental Study on the Dynamics of the Tendon/Top Tension Riser System of a Tension-Leg Platform[J].Journal of Marine Science and Application,2022,(4):177-191.[doi:10.1007/s11804-022-00309-3]
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Numerical and Experimental Study on the Dynamics of the Tendon/Top Tension Riser System of a Tension-Leg Platform


Numerical and Experimental Study on the Dynamics of the Tendon/Top Tension Riser System of a Tension-Leg Platform
Zhuang Kang1 Luu Quang Hung12 Shaojie Li1 Rui Chang1 Haibo Sui1
Zhuang Kang1 Luu Quang Hung12 Shaojie Li1 Rui Chang1 Haibo Sui1
1 College of Shipbuilding Engineering, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin 150001, China;
2 Office of Planning and Investment, Saodo University, Hai Duong, Vietnam
Absolute nodal coordinate formulation|Model test|Tendon|Riser|Tension-leg platform
In this study, the dynamics of the tendon/top tension riser (TTR) system of a tension-leg platform (TLP) are investigated through an experiment and by using absolute nodal coordinate formulation (ANCF). First, the model test of the TLP system is conducted in the water tank of Harbin Engineering University to examine the motion response of the TLP and the dynamic response characteristics of the tendon and TTR. The test scale ratio is set to 1: 66.3. Then, on the basis of the ANCF, the stiffness, external load, and mass matrices of the element are deduced to establish the motion equation of the tendon/riser. Finally, the static and dynamic characteristics of the tendon/TTR system of TLP are analyzed systematically by using the ANCF method. The results are compared with commercial software and test results. The motion response of tendon/TTR is affected by the TLP movement and environmental load simultaneously. The analysis proves the effectiveness and accuracy of the ANCF method despite the low number of riser units, suggesting the superiority of the ANCF method for calculating the dynamics of tendon/riser in the field of ocean engineering.


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Received date:2022-06-05;Accepted date:2022-08-01。
Foundation item:This research is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 52171274).
Corresponding author:Zhuang Kang,E-mail:kangzhuang@hrbeu.edu.cn
Last Update: 2023-01-05