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 Li Sun,Yingcai Huang,Xiaoping Huang.An Improved Unique Fatigue Crack Growth Rate Curve Model and Determination of the Model Shape Exponents[J].Journal of Marine Science and Application,2022,(4):104-115.[doi:10.1007/s11804-022-00305-7]
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An Improved Unique Fatigue Crack Growth Rate Curve Model and Determination of the Model Shape Exponents


An Improved Unique Fatigue Crack Growth Rate Curve Model and Determination of the Model Shape Exponents
Li Sun1 Yingcai Huang2 Xiaoping Huang1
Li Sun1 Yingcai Huang2 Xiaoping Huang1
1 State Key Lab of Ocean Engineering, Shanghai JiaoTong University, Shanghai, 200240, China;
2 Shanghai Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding Co., LTD., Shanghai 200137, China
Near-threshold regime|Crack growth rate|Stress ratio|Improved unique curve model|Shape exponents
It is essential to precisely predict the crack growth, especially the near-threshold regime crack growth under different stress ratios, for most engineering structures consume their fatigue lives in this regime under random loading. In this paper, an improved unique curve model is proposed based on the unique curve model, and the determination of the shape exponents of this model is provided. The crack growth rate curves of some materials taken from the literature are evaluated using the improved model, and the results indicate that the improved model can accurately predict the crack growth rate in the near-threshold and Paris regimes. The improved unique curve model can solve the problems about the shape exponents determination and weak ability around the near-threshold regime meet in the unique curve model. In addition, the shape exponents in the improved model at negative stress ratios are discussed, which can directly adopt that in the unique curve model.


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Received date:2022-05-30;Accepted date:2022-09-15。
Corresponding author:Xiaoping Huang,E-mail:xphuang@sjtu.edu.cn
Last Update: 2023-01-05