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 Ludovic Mell,Valentine Rey,Franck Schoefs,et al.Uncertainty Propagation of Structural Computation for Fatigue Assessment[J].Journal of Marine Science and Application,2022,(4):55-66.[doi:10.1007/s11804-022-00300-y]
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Uncertainty Propagation of Structural Computation for Fatigue Assessment


Uncertainty Propagation of Structural Computation for Fatigue Assessment
Ludovic Mell1 Valentine Rey1 Franck Schoefs1 Benjamin Rocher2
Ludovic Mell1 Valentine Rey1 Franck Schoefs1 Benjamin Rocher2
1 Nantes Université, École Centrale Nantes, CNRS, GeM, UMR 6183, F-44000 Nantes, France;
2 Chantiers de l’Atlantique, Avenue Bourdelle-CS 90180, St Nazaire CEDEX 44613, France
Offshore wind turbines|Uncertainty propagation|Fatigue damage|Discretization error
Offshore wind substations are subjected to uncertain loads from waves, wind and currents. Sea states are composed of irregular waves which statistics are usually characterized. Irregular loads may induce fatigue failure of some structural components of the structures. By combining fatigue damage computed through numerical simulations for each sea state endured by the structure, it is possible to assess fatigue failure of the structure over the whole deployment duration. Yet, the influence of the discretization error on the fatigue damage is rarely addressed. It is possible to estimate the discretization error on the quantity of interest computed at the structural detail suspected to fail. However, the relation between this local quantity of interest and the fatigue damage is complex. In this paper, a method that allows propagating error bounds towards fatigue damage is proposed. While increasing computational burden, computing discretization error bounds is a useful output of finite element analysis. It can be utilized to either validate mesh choice or guide remeshing in case where potential error on the fatigue damage is too large. This method is applied to an offshore wind substation developped by Chantiers de l’Atlantique using two discretization error estimators in a single sea state.


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Received date:2022-03-23;Accepted date:2022-09-01。
Foundation item:This work was carried out within the project MUSCAS (MUlti-SCAle Stochastic computation for MRE) granted by WEAMEC, West Atlantic Marine Energy Community with the support of Région Pays de la Loire and in partnership with Chantiers de l’Atlantique.
Corresponding author:Valentine Rey,E-mail:valentine.rey@univ-nantes.fr
Last Update: 2023-01-05