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 Benamar Derrar,Benameur Hamoudi,Mohammed El-Amine Dris,et al.Numerical Simulation of Marine Vehicle Immersed in Water[J].Journal of Marine Science and Application,2019,(3):282-294.[doi:10.1007/s11804-019-00099-1]
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Numerical Simulation of Marine Vehicle Immersed in Water


Numerical Simulation of Marine Vehicle Immersed in Water
Benamar Derrar1 Benameur Hamoudi1 Mohammed El-Amine Dris2 Fethi Saidi1
Benamar Derrar1 Benameur Hamoudi1 Mohammed El-Amine Dris2 Fethi Saidi1
1 Aerohydrodynamic Laboratory, Department of Maritime Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Sciences and Technology of Oran Mohamed Boudiaf, Bir El Djir, BP 1505, 31000 El’Mnaouer, Oran, Algeria;
2 Department of Hydraulics, University Djillali Liabes of Sidi Bel-Abbes, 22000 Sidi Bel Abbès, Algeria
SlammingHydrodynamic impactAero-hydro-elasticDihedralFluid/structure interactionMarine vehicle
This article presents a numerical study of the forces induced by hydrodynamic impact, that is, the impact of a part of the bottom of the hull on the water surface. The prediction of these efforts is often based on numerical simulations to determine the shock intensity of a structure on the surface of a weakly compressible fluid (for example, water). The short duration of the impact is also investigated in this work. This phenomenon occurs especially when a ship encounters a harsh and difficult sea conditions. Under such conditions, it is important to know how to predict the hydrodynamic forces applied to the structure to correctly optimize the ship elements during its design stage or to prevent possible damage. Indeed, various factors such as speed of the ship and height of the swell can cause the hull to partially emerge and then fall violently onto the water surface, which is referred to by naval personnel as tossing or slamming causing vibrations, stresses, and fatigue to the structural elements of the ship. In this work, we present an example of phenomenon modeling and then a numerical study of the different geometries (dihedron) that play a role in different sections of the bow. Then, we compare our present results with the theoretical and experimental results of other researchers in the field. The average interval impact time for a dihedral model corresponding to the section of the chosen ship and other experimental and theoretical data is in good agreement with the experimental and theoretical measurements.


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Received date:2018-07-29;Accepted date:2018-12-19。
Corresponding author:Benameur Hamoudi,hamoudi_benameur@yahoo.fr
Last Update: 2019-09-18