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 Rutuja Chavan,B. Venkataramana,Pratik Acharya,et al.Comparison of Scour and Flow Characteristics Around Circular and Oblong Bridge Piers in Seepage Affected Alluvial Channels[J].Journal of Marine Science and Application,2018,(2):254-264.[doi:10.1007/s11804-018-0016-6]
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Comparison of Scour and Flow Characteristics Around Circular and Oblong Bridge Piers in Seepage Affected Alluvial Channels


Comparison of Scour and Flow Characteristics Around Circular and Oblong Bridge Piers in Seepage Affected Alluvial Channels
Rutuja Chavan B. Venkataramana Pratik Acharya Bimlesh Kumar
Rutuja Chavan B. Venkataramana Pratik Acharya Bimlesh Kumar
Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Guwahati 781039, India
Downward seepageOblong pierScourStrouhal numberTurbulent kinetic energy
The present study examines scour geometry and turbulent flow characteristics around circular and oblong piers in alluvial channel with downward seepage. Experiments were conducted in plane sand bed of non-uniform sand under no seepage, 10% seepage and 15% seepage conditions. Scour depth at oblong pier is significantly lesser than the scour depth at circular one. However, the scour depth at both piers reduces with downward seepage. The measurements show that the velocity and Reynolds stresses are negative near the bed at upstream of piers where the strong reversal occurs. At downstream of oblong pier near the free surface, velocity and Reynolds stresses are less positive; whereas, they are negative at downstream of circular pier. The streamline shape of oblong pier leads to reduce the strength of wake vortices and consequently reversal flow at downstream of pier. With application of downward seepage turbulent kinetic energy is decreasing. The results show that the wake vortices at oblong pier are weaker than the wake vortices at circular pier. The strength of wake vortices diminishes with downward seepage. The Strouhal number is lesser for oblong pier and decreases with downward seepage for both oblong and circular piers.


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Received date:2017-05-16;Accepted date:2017-08-01。
Corresponding author:Bimlesh Kumar,bimk@iitg.ernet.in
Last Update: 2018-10-11