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 Ning Qiu,Chunwu Pan,Yongheng Zhang,et al.Sensitivity of Marine Controllable Source Electromagnetic Soundings for Identifying Plume Migration in Offshore CO2 Storage[J].Journal of Marine Science and Application,2024,(3):656-673.[doi:10.1007/s11804-024-00601-4]
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Sensitivity of Marine Controllable Source Electromagnetic Soundings for Identifying Plume Migration in Offshore CO2 Storage


Sensitivity of Marine Controllable Source Electromagnetic Soundings for Identifying Plume Migration in Offshore CO2 Storage
Ning Qiu123 Chunwu Pan13 Yongheng Zhang13 Bin Liu13 Zhen Sun12 Pengchun Li12
Ning Qiu123 Chunwu Pan13 Yongheng Zhang13 Bin Liu13 Zhen Sun12 Pengchun Li12
1. Key Laboratory of Ocean and Marginal Sea Geology, South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Sanya Institute of Ocean Eco-Environmental Engineering, Key Laboratory of Tropical Oceanography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou, 511458, China;
2. Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory (Guangzhou), Guangzhou, 511458, China;
3. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100049, China
Offshore carbon dioxide storage|Geophysics|Resistivity inversion|Monitoring|Plume migration|Marine controllable source electromagnetic method
Offshore carbon dioxide (CO2) storage is an effective method for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. However, when using traditional seismic wave methods to monitor the migration of sequestration CO2 plumes, the characteristics of wave velocity changes tend to become insignificant beyond a certain limit. In contrast, the controllable source electromagnetic method (CSEM) remains highly sensitive to resistivity changes. By simulating different CO2 plume migration conditions, we established the relevant models and calculated the corresponding electric field response characteristic curves, allowing us to analyze the CSEM’s ability to monitor CO2 plumes. We considered potential scenarios for the migration and diffusion of offshore CO2 storage, including various burial depths, vertical extension diffusion, lateral extension diffusion, multiple combinations of lateral intervals, and electric field components. We also obtained differences in resistivity inversion imaging obtained by CSEM to evaluate its feasibility in monitoring and to analyze all the electric field (Ex, Ey, and Ez) response characteristics. CSEM has great potential in monitoring CO2 plume migration in offshore saltwater reservoirs due to its high sensitivity and accuracy. Furthermore, changes in electromagnetic field response reflect the transport status of CO2 plumes, providing an important basis for monitoring and evaluating CO2 transport behavior during storage processes.


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Received date:2024-1-15;Accepted date:2024-4-29。
Foundation item:Supported by Key Special Project for Introduced Talents Team of Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory (2019BT02H594), and Sanya Technology Innovation Special Project (2022KJCX08).
Corresponding author:Ning Qiu,E-mail:ningqiu@scsio.ac.cn
Last Update: 2024-09-29