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 Yanuar,Ibadurrahman,R. Muhammad Arif,et al.Resistance Characteristic of High-Speed Unstaggered Pentamaran Model with Variations of Symmetric and Asymmetric Hull Configurations[J].Journal of Marine Science and Application,2019,(4):472-481.[doi:10.1007/s11804-019-00119-0]
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Resistance Characteristic of High-Speed Unstaggered Pentamaran Model with Variations of Symmetric and Asymmetric Hull Configurations


Resistance Characteristic of High-Speed Unstaggered Pentamaran Model with Variations of Symmetric and Asymmetric Hull Configurations
Yanuar Ibadurrahman R. Muhammad Arif D. P. Muhamad Ryan
Yanuar Ibadurrahman R. Muhammad Arif D. P. Muhamad Ryan
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta 16424, Indonesia
Unstaggered pentamaranAsymmetric hullSymmetric hullInterference factorHull separation
Pentamaran, a vessel with five hulls, can be an alternative for high-speed vessels due to its advantages, for instance, its excellent stability and seakeeping performance and broader deck space than an equivalent monohull with the same displacement. The destructive interference between the system of waves produced by the vessel’s hulls might benefit the reduction of power consumption. This study investigated a Wigley hull form pentamaran model with five asymmetric and symmetric hull configurations and three variations of hull separation. The ship model was towed in conditions of fixed towing and calm water with Froude numbers (Fr) ranging from 0.55 to 1.00. A resistance analysis had been carried out to ensure proper comparison between the asymmetric and symmetric hull configurations. Results showed that total resistance coefficient of the asymmetries created different properties from the symmetries, that is, symmetries produced steadier trends than asymmetries. The hull separation variation caused a slight alteration in the total resistant coefficient (in magnitude) under the same configuration. Although not a single configuration outperformed the others in the entire range of Fr, three configurations were noteworthy as optimum models based on their Fr range. Moreover, a configuration of asymmetric hull with S/L=0.22 could generate a constant destructive interference throughout the investigated Fr range.


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Received date:2018-11-22;Accepted date:2019-06-06。
Foundation item:The authors would like to express their sincere gratitude to all reviewers of this paper and the experts for their valuable evaluation and correction. The authors also extend their sincere gratitude to many people for their valuable contributions.
Corresponding author:Yanuar,yanuar@eng.ui.ac.id
Last Update: 2020-02-04