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 Yong Ma,Chao Hu,Binghao Zhou,et al.Hydrodynamic Analysis of a Semi-submersible Wind-Tidal Combined Power Generation Device[J].Journal of Marine Science and Application,2019,(1):72-81.[doi:10.1007/s11804-019-00073-x]
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Hydrodynamic Analysis of a Semi-submersible Wind-Tidal Combined Power Generation Device


Hydrodynamic Analysis of a Semi-submersible Wind-Tidal Combined Power Generation Device
Yong Ma12 Chao Hu1 Binghao Zhou3 Lei Li4 Youwei Kang5
Yong Ma12 Chao Hu1 Binghao Zhou3 Lei Li4 Youwei Kang5
1 College of Shipbuilding Engineering, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin 150001, China;
2 School of Marine Engineering and Technology, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 518000, China;
3 CHEC Dredging Co., Ltd, Shanghai 200136, China;
4 Department of Naval Architecture, Ocean &Marine Engineering, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK;
5 National Engineering Lab, CIMC Offshore Ltd, Shenzhen 518000, China
Power generation deviceCoupling hydrodynamic analysisAQWAMooring line tensionMotion responseHydrodynamic analysisPower generation device
Energy shortages and environmental pollution are becoming increasingly severe globally. The exploitation and utilization of renewable energy have become an effective way to alleviate these problems. To improve power production capacity, power output quality, and cost effectiveness, comprehensive marine energy utilization has become an inevitable trend in marine energy development. Based on a semi-submersible wind-tidal combined power generation device, a three-dimensional frequency domain potential flow theory is used to study the hydrodynamic performance of such a device. For this study, the RAOs and hydrodynamic coefficients of the floating carrier platform to the regular wave were obtained. The influence of the tidal turbine on the platform in terms of frequency domain was considered as added mass and damping. The direct load of the tidal turbine was obtained by CFX. FORTRAN software was used for the second development of adaptive query workload aware software, which can include the external force. The motion response of the platform to the irregular wave and the tension of the mooring line were calculated under the limiting condition (one mooring line breakage). The results showed that the motion response of the carrier to the surge and sway direction is more intense, but the swing amplitude is within the acceptable range. Even in the worst case scenario, the balance position of the platform was still in the positioning range, which met the requirements of the working sea area. The safety factor of the mooring line tension also complied with the requirements of the design specification. Therefore, it was found that the hydrodynamic performance and motion responses of a semi-submersible wind-tidal combined power generation device can meet the power generation requirements under all design conditions, and the device presents a reliable power generation system.


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Received date:2017-10-12。
Foundation item:This paper was financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 51779062; 51579055), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of China (No. HEUCFP201714), and Shenzhen Special Fund for the future industries (No. JCYJ20160331163751413).
Corresponding author:Lei Li,lei.li@strath.ac.uk
Last Update: 2019-05-14