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 K. B. Artana,T. Pitana,D. P. Dinariyana,et al.Real-time Monitoring of Subsea Gas Pipelines, Offshore Platforms, and Ship Inspection Scores Using an Automatic Identification System[J].Journal of Marine Science and Application,2018,(1):101-111.[doi:10.1007/s11804-018-0003-y]
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Real-time Monitoring of Subsea Gas Pipelines, Offshore Platforms, and Ship Inspection Scores Using an Automatic Identification System


Real-time Monitoring of Subsea Gas Pipelines, Offshore Platforms, and Ship Inspection Scores Using an Automatic Identification System
K. B. Artana1 T. Pitana1 D. P. Dinariyana1 M. Ariana1 D. Kristianto2 E. Pratiwi1
K. B. Artana1 T. Pitana1 D. P. Dinariyana1 M. Ariana1 D. Kristianto2 E. Pratiwi1
1 Department of Marine Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya 60111, Indonesia;
2 Department of Informatics, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya 60111, Indonesia
Automatic identification systemAISReal-time monitoringSubsea gas pipelineOffshore platform Ship inspection score
The aim of this research is to develop an algorithm and application that can perform real-time monitoring of the safety operation of offshore platforms and subsea gas pipelines as well as determine the need for ship inspection using data obtained from automatic identification system (AIS). The research also focuses on the integration of shipping database, AIS data, and others to develop a prototype for designing a real-time monitoring system of offshore platforms and pipelines. A simple concept is used in the development of this prototype, which is achieved by using an overlaying map that outlines the coordinates of the offshore platform and subsea gas pipeline with the ship’s coordinates (longitude/latitude) as detected by AIS. Using such information, we can then build an early warning system (EWS) relayed through short message service (SMS), email, or other means when the ship enters the restricted and exclusion zone of platforms and pipelines. The ship inspection system is developed by combining several attributes. Then, decision analysis software is employed to prioritize the vessel’s four attributes, including ship age, ship type, classification, and flag state. Results show that the EWS can increase the safety level of offshore platforms and pipelines, as well as the efficient use of patrol boats in monitoring the safety of the facilities. Meanwhile, ship inspection enables the port to prioritize the ship to be inspected in accordance with the priority ranking inspection score.


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Received date:2016-09-08;Accepted date:2016-12-31。
Corresponding author:K. B. Artana, ketutbuda@its.ac.id
Last Update: 2018-10-11