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 Hrvoje Jasak,Inno Gatin,Vuko Vukcevic.Monolithic Coupling of the Pressure and Rigid Body Motion Equations in Computational Marine Hydrodynamics[J].Journal of Marine Science and Application,2017,(4):375-381.[doi:10.1007/s11804-017-1436-4]
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Monolithic Coupling of the Pressure and Rigid Body Motion Equations in Computational Marine Hydrodynamics


Monolithic Coupling of the Pressure and Rigid Body Motion Equations in Computational Marine Hydrodynamics
Hrvoje Jasak Inno Gatin Vuko Vukcevic
Hrvoje Jasak Inno Gatin Vuko Vukcevic
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
monolithic couplingpressure equationrigid body motioncomputational fluid dynamicsmarine hydrodynamicsseakeeping
In Fluid Structure Interaction (FSI) problems encountered in marine hydrodynamics, the pressure field and the velocity of the rigid body are tightly coupled. This coupling is traditionally resolved in a partitioned manner by solving the rigid body motion equations once per nonlinear correction loop, updating the position of the body and solving the fluid flow equations in the new configuration. The partitioned approach requires a large number of nonlinear iteration loops per time-step. In order to enhance the coupling, a monolithic approach is proposed in Finite Volume (FV) framework, where the pressure equation and the rigid body motion equations are solved in a single linear system. The coupling is resolved by solving the rigid body motion equations once per linear solver iteration of the pressure equation, where updated pressure field is used to calculate new forces acting on the body, and by introducing the updated rigid body boundary velocity in to the pressure equation. In this paper the monolithic coupling is validated on a simple 2D heave decay case. Additionally, the method is compared to the traditional partitioned approach (i.e. "strongly coupled" approach) in terms of computational efficiency and accuracy. The comparison is performed on a seakeeping case in regular head waves, and it shows that the monolithic approach achieves similar accuracy with fewer nonlinear correctors per time-step. Hence, significant savings in computational time can be achieved while retaining the same level of accuracy.


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Received date:2017-01-10;Accepted date:2017-07-28。
Corresponding author:Inno Gatin,Email:inno.gatin@fsb.hr
Last Update: 2017-12-02