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 Shuai Fang,Jianhui Cui,Ling Yang,et al.Research on Signal Extraction and Classification for Ship Sound Signal Recognition[J].Journal of Marine Science and Application,2024,(4):984-995.[doi:10.1007/s11804-024-00435-0]
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Research on Signal Extraction and Classification for Ship Sound Signal Recognition


Research on Signal Extraction and Classification for Ship Sound Signal Recognition
Shuai Fang1 Jianhui Cui1 Ling Yang1 Fanbin Meng2 Huawei Xie2 Chunyan Hou2 Bin Li2
Shuai Fang1 Jianhui Cui1 Ling Yang1 Fanbin Meng2 Huawei Xie2 Chunyan Hou2 Bin Li2
1 Maritime College, Tianjin University of Technology, Tianjin, 300384, China;
2 Tianjin Navigation Instrument Research Institute, Tianjin, 300131, China
Ship signal identificationSignal extractionAutomatic classificationIntelligent shipsSupport vector machine
The movements and intentions of other ships can be determined by gathering and examining ship sound signals. The extraction and analysis of ship sound signals fundamentally support the autonomous navigation of intelligent ships. Mel scale frequency cepstral coefficient (MFCC) feature parameters are improved and optimized to form NewMFCC by introducing second-order difference and wavelet packet decomposition transformation methods in this paper. Transforming sound signals into a feature vector that fully describes the dynamic characteristics of ship sound signals and the high- and low-frequency information solves the problem of the inability to transport ordinary sound signals directly as signals for training in machine learning models. Radial basis function kernels are used to conduct support vector machine classifier simulation experiments. Five types of sound signals, namely, one type of ship sound signals and four types of interference sound signals, are categorized and identified as classification targets to verify the feasibility of the classification of ship sound signals and interference signals. The proposed method improves classification accuracy by approximately 15%.


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Received date:2023-6-20;Accepted date:2023-11-3。
Corresponding author:Jianhui Cui,E-mail:jianhuicui@email.tjut.edu.cn
Last Update: 2025-01-09