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 Ranti Dev Vishwakarma,Debabrata Karmakar.Hydrodynamic Analysis of Different Shapes of Moored Hybrid Floating Breakwater[J].Journal of Marine Science and Application,2024,(4):743-761.[doi:10.1007/s11804-024-00519-x]
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Hydrodynamic Analysis of Different Shapes of Moored Hybrid Floating Breakwater


Hydrodynamic Analysis of Different Shapes of Moored Hybrid Floating Breakwater
Ranti Dev Vishwakarma Debabrata Karmakar
Ranti Dev Vishwakarma Debabrata Karmakar
Department of Water Resources and Ocean Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Karnataka, Surathkal, Mangalore-575025, India
Hybrid floating breakwaterMooring analysisMooring configurationsAnsys-AQWACatenary mooring
The present study investigates the effect of moorings on hybrid floating breakwaters of different configurations based on potential flow theory. The mooring analysis is performed for the regular wave incidence for five different shapes of hybrid floating breakwaters, namely, rectangular, box, H, Π, and trapezoidal, integrated with a single J-shaped oscillating water column (OWC). The mooring lines are considered to be nonlinear catenary sections that are analysed for open mooring and cross mooring configuration. The hydrodynamic analysis is performed using Ansys-AQWA and the effectiveness of the moorings is evaluated in terms of the mooring line tension and the floating structure’s motion response, and comparisons are made for the influence of different mooring configurations and the implications of changing the design of the hybrid floating breakwater. The regular gravity wave frequency range is taken into consideration and the hydrodynamic properties are reported for the entire range of regular wave frequencies. Additionally, for a few chosen wave frequencies the analysis of structural forces and moment is performed for long and short waves. The study suggests that a hydrodynamically stable hybrid floating structure integrated with an oscillating water column can provide good and effective wave energy conversion and wave attenuation. Thus, with the help of the findings of the present study, the researchers will be able to examine the stability of hybrid floating breakwater structures under the action of regular waves with normal incidence.


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Received date:2024-4-4;Accepted date:2024-9-20。
Corresponding author:Debabrata Karmakar,E-mail:dkarmakar@nitk.edu.in
Last Update: 2025-01-09