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 Qiang Liu,Yanzun Li,Meng Jing,et al.Application of Feature, Event, and Process Methods to Leakage Scenario Development for Offshore CO2 Geological Storage[J].Journal of Marine Science and Application,2024,(3):608-616.[doi:10.1007/s11804-024-00441-2]
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Application of Feature, Event, and Process Methods to Leakage Scenario Development for Offshore CO2 Geological Storage


Application of Feature, Event, and Process Methods to Leakage Scenario Development for Offshore CO2 Geological Storage
Qiang Liu12 Yanzun Li12 Meng Jing34 Qi Li34 Guizhen Liu34
Qiang Liu12 Yanzun Li12 Meng Jing34 Qi Li34 Guizhen Liu34
1. State Key Laboratory of Offshore Oil and Gas Exploitation, Beijing, 100028, China;
2. CNOOC Research Institute Ltd., Beijing, 100028, China;
3. State Key Laboratory of Geomechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, 430071, China;
4. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100049, China
Offshore CO2 geological storage|Features events and processes|Scenario development|Interaction matrix|Risk matrix assessment
Offshore carbon dioxide (CO2) geological storage (OCGS) represents a significant strategy for addressing climate change by curtailing greenhouse gas emissions. Nonetheless, the risk of CO2 leakage poses a substantial concern associated with this technology. This study introduces an innovative approach for establishing OCGS leakage scenarios, involving four pivotal stages, namely, interactive matrix establishment, risk matrix evaluation, cause-effect analysis, and scenario development, which has been implemented in the Pearl River Estuary Basin in China. The initial phase encompassed the establishment of an interaction matrix for OCGS systems based on features, events, and processes. Subsequent risk matrix evaluation and cause-effect analysis identified key system components, specifically CO2 injection and faults/features. Building upon this analysis, two leakage risk scenarios were successfully developed, accompanied by the corresponding mitigation measures. In addition, this study introduces the application of scenario development to risk assessment, including scenario numerical simulation and quantitative assessment. Overall, this research positively contributes to the sustainable development and safe operation of OCGS projects and holds potential for further refinement and broader application to diverse geographical environments and project requirements. This comprehensive study provides valuable insights into the establishment of OCGS leakage scenarios and demonstrates their practical application to risk assessment, laying the foundation for promoting the sustainable development and safe operation of ocean CO2 geological storage projects while proposing possibilities for future improvements and broader applications to different contexts.


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Received date:2024-1-5;Accepted date:2024-3-3。
Corresponding author:Qi Li,E-mail:qli@whrsm.ac.cn
Last Update: 2024-09-29