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 Puyang Zhang,Yuxuan Ma,Conghuan Le,et al.Experimental Study on Tilt Adjustment Technique of Tripod Bucket Jacket Foundation for Offshore Wind Turbine in Sand[J].Journal of Marine Science and Application,2022,(4):192-204.[doi:10.1007/s11804-022-00308-4]
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Experimental Study on Tilt Adjustment Technique of Tripod Bucket Jacket Foundation for Offshore Wind Turbine in Sand


Experimental Study on Tilt Adjustment Technique of Tripod Bucket Jacket Foundation for Offshore Wind Turbine in Sand
Puyang Zhang12 Yuxuan Ma12 Conghuan Le12 Hongyan Ding12
Puyang Zhang12 Yuxuan Ma12 Conghuan Le12 Hongyan Ding12
1 State Key Laboratory of Hydraulic Engineering Simulation and Safety, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China;
2 School of Civil Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China
Tripod bucket jacket foundation|Tilt adjustment|Penetration and removal|Terminal angle|Allowable angle|Offshore wind turbine
For the tripod bucket jacket foundations used in offshore wind turbines, the probable critical tilt angles should be avoided during tilt adjustment operation. Thus, these critical values must be identified by engineers, and remedial techniques must be established prior to the occurrence of the problem. Model tests were carried out for typical tilting conditions of tripod bucket foundations, which were allowed to tilt freely at various penetration depths without interruption by manual operation. After the foundation ceased its tilting, some measures, such as water pumping, water injection, air injection, or a combination of the above methods, were enabled for adjustment. The research results showed two critical values in the tilting state of the tripod bucket jacket foundation, namely the terminal and allowable angles. In the installation condition, the terminal angle was negatively correlated with the initial penetration depth, but the opposite was observed with the removal condition. The allowable angle was less than or equal to the terminal angle. The allowable angle in the installation was related to the terminal angle. The critical angles all varied linearly with the initial penetration depth. When tilting during installation, adjustment measures can be used in the order of high drum pumping, low drum water injection, high drum pumping and low drum water injection, air injection, and exhaust. When tilting during removal, the sequential use of low drum water injection, air, and exhaust was applied. For buckets that were sensitive to angle changes, adjustment measures of the “point injection” mode can be selected.


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Received date:2022-06-29;Accepted date:2022-09-15。
Corresponding author:Puyang Zhang,E-mail:zpy_td@163.com
Last Update: 2023-01-05