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 Mohamadou Aminou Sambo,Guy Richard Kol,Gambo Betchewe.Analysis of Stress Concentration Factors due to in-Plane Bending and out-of-Plane Bending Loads on Tubular TY-Joints of Offshore Structures[J].Journal of Marine Science and Application,2022,(4):78-94.[doi:10.1007/s11804-022-00303-9]
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Analysis of Stress Concentration Factors due to in-Plane Bending and out-of-Plane Bending Loads on Tubular TY-Joints of Offshore Structures


Analysis of Stress Concentration Factors due to in-Plane Bending and out-of-Plane Bending Loads on Tubular TY-Joints of Offshore Structures
Mohamadou Aminou Sambo1 Guy Richard Kol23 Gambo Betchewe1
Mohamadou Aminou Sambo1 Guy Richard Kol23 Gambo Betchewe1
1 Faculty of Sciences, University of Maroua, Maroua P. O. Box 46, Cameroon;
2 National Advance School of Mines and Petroleum Industries, University of Maroua, Maroua P. O. Box 46, Cameroon;
3 School of Geology and Mining Engineering, University of Ngaoundéré, Ngaoundéré P. O. Box 454, Cameroon
Offshore platform|Tubular TY-joint|Stress concentrations|Fatigue|In-plane bending|Out-of-plane bending
The aim of this work is to study the stress distributions and the location of hot spots stress in the vicinity of the intersection lines of the tubular elements of the tubular TY-joints. Using the finite element models, we analyze the effects of geometrical parameters on the stress concentration factor in the case of in-plane bending and out-of-plane bending loads, around the weld toe of the tubular joints. Our results reveal the location of the maximum stress concentration factor at the heel or toe in the case of in-plane bending loads and at the saddle point in the case of out-of-plane bending loads. Six parametric equations are established and used to calculate the stress concentration factor at critical locations using the non-linear regression method. The results obtained from the finite element analysis are close to the results of the parametric equations and the experimental data from the previous work.


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Received date:2022-06-28;Accepted date:2022-09-15。
Corresponding author:Guy Richard Kol,E-mail:guyrichardkol@gmail.com
Last Update: 2023-01-05