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 Yan Dong,Y. Garbatov,C. Guedes Soares.Recent Developments in Fatigue Assessment of Ships and Offshore Structures[J].Journal of Marine Science and Application,2022,(4):3-25.[doi:10.1007/s11804-022-00301-x]
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Recent Developments in Fatigue Assessment of Ships and Offshore Structures


Recent Developments in Fatigue Assessment of Ships and Offshore Structures
Yan Dong124 Y. Garbatov34 C. Guedes Soares34
Yan Dong124 Y. Garbatov34 C. Guedes Soares34
1 Yantai Research Institute of Harbin Engineering University, Harbin Engineering University, Yantai, China;
2 College of Shipbuilding Engineering, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin, China;
3 Centre for Marine Technology and Ocean Engineering(CENTEC), Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal;
4 HEU-UL International Joint Laboratory of Naval Architecture and Offshore Technology, Harbin, China
Ships and offshore structures|Fatigue loading|Influencing factors|Fatigue analysis approaches
A review is provided of various approaches that have been adopted recently to assess the fatigue of ships and offshore structures. The relevant fatigue loading is reviewed first, focusing on the successive loading and unloading of the cargo and the transient loadings. The factors influencing fatigue strength are discussed, including the geometrical parameters, material, residual stress, and ones related to the environment. Different approaches for fatigue analyses of seam-welded joints are covered, i.e., the structural stress or strain approach, the notch stress or strain approach, notch intensity approach, and the crack propagation approach.


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Received date:2022-01-12;Accepted date:2022-06-12。
Corresponding author:Yan Dong,E-mail:yan.dong@hrbeu.edu.cn
Last Update: 2023-01-05