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 Renwei Ji,Qihu Sheng,Shuqi Wang,et al.Array Characteristics of Oscillating-Buoy Two-Floating-Body Wave-Energy Converter[J].Journal of Marine Science and Application,2019,(3):325-333.[doi:10.1007/s11804-019-00079-5]
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Array Characteristics of Oscillating-Buoy Two-Floating-Body Wave-Energy Converter


Array Characteristics of Oscillating-Buoy Two-Floating-Body Wave-Energy Converter
Renwei Ji12 Qihu Sheng12 Shuqi Wang3 Yuquan Zhang4 Xuewei Zhang12 Liang Zhang12
Renwei Ji12 Qihu Sheng12 Shuqi Wang3 Yuquan Zhang4 Xuewei Zhang12 Liang Zhang12
1 College of Shipbuilding Engineering, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin 150001, China;
2 Institute of Ocean Renewable Energy System, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin 150001, China;
3 College of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, Zhenjiang 212001, China
Oscillating buoyTwo-floating bodyWave-energy converterAQWAConverter arrayPower characteristics
As the energy supply problem worsens, the development and utilization of marine renewable energy have become a research hotspot. The development of wave energy is moving from the near shore to the distant sea. The power-generation efficiency of a single two-floating-body wave-energy converter is relatively low. To fully utilize wave energy and improve the wave-energy capture rate of a fixed sea area, arranging a two-floating-body wave-energy converter array is necessary. This paper first introduces the basic theory of multi-floating flow field, time-domain calculation method, and influence factor of the waveenergy converter array. Then, the development of AQWA software in Fortran language considers the effect of power takeoff. A calculation method based on ANSYS-AQWA is proposed to simulate the motion of the oscillating-buoy two-floating-body wave-energy converter. The results are compared with the experimental results from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Finally, the ANSYS-AQWA method is used to study the power characteristics of simple and complex arrays of wave-energy converters. The average power generation of simple arrays is largest at 0°, and the average power generation of complex arrays does not change with the wave direction. Optimal layout spacing exists for the simple and complex arrays. These findings can serve as a valuable reference for the large-scale array layout of wave-energy converters in the future.


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Received date:2018-07-26;Accepted date:2018-11-18。
Foundation item:Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos. 5171101175, 11572094, 51809083, and 51579055.
Corresponding author:Qihu Sheng,shengqihu@hrbeu.edu.cn
Last Update: 2019-09-18