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 Pei-liang Li,Juan Zhou,Lei Li,et al.Tidal Energy Fluxes and Bottom Boundary Layer Energy Dissipation in the Bering Sea[J].Journal of Marine Science and Application,2010,(3):340.[doi:10.1007/s11804-010-1018-1]
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Tidal Energy Fluxes and Bottom Boundary Layer Energy Dissipation in the Bering Sea


Tidal Energy Fluxes and Bottom Boundary Layer Energy Dissipation in the Bering Sea
Pei-liang Li Juan Zhou Lei Li Wei Zhao and Chang-lin Chen
Pei-liang Li Juan Zhou Lei Li Wei Zhao and Chang-lin Chen
1. Physical Oceanography Laboratory, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266003, China 2. State Key Laboratory of Satellite Ocean Environment Dynamics, Second Institute of Oceanography, Hangzhou 310012, China
tidal energy flux bottom boundary layer (BBL) dissipation tidal current the Bering Sea
The spatial distribution of the energy flux, bottom boundary layer (BBL) energy dissipation, surface elevation amplitude and current magnitude of the major semidiurnal tidal constituents in the Bering Sea are examined in detail. These distributions are obtained from the results of a three-dimensional numerical simulation model (POM). Compared with observation data from seven stations, the root mean square errors of tidal height are 2.6 cm and 1.2 cm for M2 and N2 respectively, and those of phase-lag are 21.8° and 15.8° respectively. The majority of the tidal energy flux off the deep basin is along the shelf edge, although some of this flux crosses the shelf edge, especially in the southeast of the shelf break. The total M2 energy dissipation in the Bering Sea is 30.43 GW, which is about 10 times of that of N2 and S2. The semidiurnal tidal energy enters mainly to the Bering Sea by Samalga Pass, Amukta Pass and Seguam Pass, accounting more than 60% of the total energy entering the Being Sea from the Pacific.


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Supported by the Outstanding Middle-aged and Young Scientist Foundation in Shandong Province under Grant of No. 2008BS06003; National High Technology Research and development Program (863 Program) (No.2007AA06A403), National Nature Science Foundation under Grant of No.40706008.
Last Update: 2011-06-22