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 Wen-hua Wang and Yan-ying Wang.An Essential Solution of Water Entry Problems and its Engineering Applications[J].Journal of Marine Science and Application,2010,(3):268-273.[doi:10.1007/s11804-010-1006-5]
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An Essential Solution of Water Entry Problems and its Engineering Applications


An Essential Solution of Water Entry Problems and its Engineering Applications
Wen-hua Wang and Yan-ying Wang
Wen-hua Wang and Yan-ying Wang
Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China
water entry free surface capturing method Cartesian cut cell mesh application cases
For solving water entry problems, a numerical method is presented, which is a CFD method based on free surface capturing method and Cartesian cut cell mesh. In this approach, incompressible Euler equations for a variable density fluid are numerically calculated by the finite volume method. Then artificial compressibility method, dual time-stepping technique and Roe’s approximate Riemann solver are adopted in the numerical scheme. Finally, some application cases are designed to show the ability of the current method to cope with water entry problems in ocean engineering.


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Supported by the National 863 Plan Foundation under Grant No. 2006AA09A104
Last Update: 2011-06-22