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 Shi-e Yang.Distant Bottom Reverberation in Shallow Water[J].Journal of Marine Science and Application,2010,(1):22-26.
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Distant Bottom Reverberation in Shallow Water


Distant Bottom Reverberation in Shallow Water
Shi-e Yang
Shi-e Yang
College of Underwater Acoustic Engineering, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin 150001, China
shallow water bi-static bottom reverberation spatial correlation of reverberation
The channel effect of bottom reverberation had been investigated by many authors (Bucker and Morris, 1968; Holland, 2006; Mackenzie, 1962; Zhou and Zhang, 1977), but in most of these researches, bottom reverberation had been described as the sound field formed by distributed secondary sources on boundary, and results obtained in such way sometimes will contradict with principle of reciprocity in bi-static cases (Wang and Shang, 1981). It is desirable to give a method for computation of reverberation, which directly using the scattering effect of stochastic characteristics of water channel, and can give results obeying the principle of reciprocity in any case. In this paper, the method of coupled mode is used for evaluation of bottom reverberation field caused by roughness of bottom interface, and multi-pole method is introduced for consideration of directional source.


Bucker HP, Morris HE (1968). Normal-mode reverberation in channels or ducts. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 44, 827-828.
Holland CW (2006). Constrained comparison of ocean waveguide reverberation theory and observation. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 120, 1922-1931.
 Mackenzie KV (1962). Long-range shallow water bottom reverberation. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 34, 62-66.
 Wang Dezhao, Shang Erchang (1981). Principles of Underwater Sound. Science Press, Beijing.
Yang shie (1994). Principles of Underwater Acoustics propagation. Harbin Engineering University Press, Harbin.
Zhou Jixun, Zhang Xuezhen (1977). Shallow water reverberation and small angle bottom scattering. Conference on Shallow Water Acoustics, Beijing, 315-322.


Last Update: 2010-04-16