XU Gang DUAN Wen-yang.Time-domain simulation for water wave radiation by floating structures (Part A)[J].Journal of Marine Science and Application,2008,(4):0.
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Time-domain simulation for water wave radiation by floating structures (Part A)
Journal of Marine Science and Application[ISSN:1002-2848/CN:61-1400/f]
- 卷:
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- Title:
Time-domain simulation for water wave radiation by floating structures (Part A)
- Author(s):
XU Gang DUAN Wen-yang
- Affilations:
- Author(s):
XU Gang DUAN Wen-yang
- Keywords:
time domain simulation floating body IFBC MTF ARB
- 分类号:
- DOI:
- Abstract:
Direct time-domain simulation of floating structures has advantages: it can calculate wave pressure fields and forces directly;and it is useful for coupled analysis of floating structures with a mooring system. A time-domain boundary integral equation method is presented to simulate three-dimensional water wave radiation problems. A stable form of the integration free-surface boundary condition (IFBC) is used to update velocity potentials on the free surface. A multi-transmitting formula (MTF) method with an artificial speed is introduced to the artificial radiation boundary (ARB). The method was applied to simulate a semi-spherical liquefied natural gas (LNG) carrier and a semi-submersible undergoing specified harmonic motion. Numerical parameters such as the form of the ARB,and the time and space discretization related to this method are discussed. It was found that a good agreement can be obtained when artificial speed is between 0.6 and 1.6 times the phase velocity of water waves in the MTF method. A simulation can be done for a long period of time by this method without problems of instability,and the method is also accurate and computationally efficient.
- Memo:
国家自然科学基金,the 111 Project
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